Circuits, general information and penalties policy.

Circuit tours for three or more days, where the daily average of kilometers to cover is 250 Km per day
Taxi standard: 180.00 USD daily, which includes gas expense and driver´s extra. Any extra kilometer over this average costs 0.45 USD.
Minivan: 250.00 USD daily, which includes gas expense and driver´s extras. Any extra kilometer over this average costs 0.65 USD.
Tourist guide driver´s service, if available: 10.00 USD on top each day.
Tourist guide service in addition to the driver´s service: 50.00 USD daily, with no extra fees included.
Circuit tour for 1-2 days, with up to 300 Km to cover.
Standard Taxi: 180.00 USD daily, which includes gas expense and driver´s extras. Any extra kilometer over this average costs 0.45 USD
Minivan: 250.00 USD daily, which includes gas expense and driver´s extras. Any extra kilometer over this average costs 0.65 USD.
Tourist guide driver´s service, if available: 10.00 USD on top each day.
Tourist guide service in addition to the driver´s service: 50.00 USD daily, with no extra fees included.
Full time service for 1 day within the territory.
Hours | Taxi Std | Roof Classic | Open roof Classic | Minivan |
1 - 4 hours | 35.00 USD per hour | 35.00 USD per hour | 40.00 USD per hour | 40.00 USD per hour |
5 hours | 140.00 USD total | 140.00 USD total | 150.00 USD total | 180.00 USD total |
5 - 8 hours | 170.00 USD total | 170.00 USD total | 180.00 USD total | 200.00 USD total |
General Information
If the service starts at a certain point and ends in another, the “drop-off fee” is applied. This covers the gas expense to let the driver come back home. The distance covered from the drop-off, point to the driver´s house is calculated and the gas expense corresponds roughly to the amount of liters of gas consumed, being for the standard taxi 12 kms per liter, 10 kms for classic per liter and for the minivan 8 kms per liter. Tourist guides are not considered as clients.
Special dates supplements
From December 22 to January 2; Holy Week: These two periods include 15.00 USD on top of the net prices for every circuit tour, any other transfer and transfers in/out.
Penalty for a service between the 21.00 and 06.00
If under cover of darkness, you will be charged 5.00 USD on top of the net prices, when the transfer covers a distance inferior to 50 kms. From 50 kms to 100 kms you will be charged 10.00 USD fee and for distances over 100 kms the fee amounts is 15.00 USD. It is applied at the real time of the service. For example: airport pickups on flight landing near 21:00 but clients clear customs and are ready to leave after 21:00, this fee is applied taking into account that the minimum awaiting time 2 and a half hours.
Penalty for overtime waiting at the airport and other origins
You will be charged 10.00 USD extra fee for each hour after the 2 hours expected, as the pick-up waiting time at the airport. The time to exchange currency is not included. The same waiting-time fee is applied after the first 30 minutes for at all the other transfer-departing places.
Penalty for overtime waiting at extra stops during transfers
You will be charged 10.00 USD extra fee for each waiting hour at stops during transfers. This fee will not be charged either in case of short stops to satisfy personal needs related to the use of the toilets, smoking and light snacks, or in case of stops not related to the client´s will.
No showing 50 % policy
In case clients do not previously notify any delay or change, and do not show up within the agreed time, they will be charged 50 % of the service fee. 3 hours at the airport and 30 minutes at the rest of the transfer-departing places.